Liverpool Marina is our newest Waterlodge dealer!

We are thrilled to announce that Liverpool Marina have recently come on board as a new dealer and have our Waterlodge Eden 11 as a demonstrator boat for prospective buyers. Excited by our showboat at last year’s Southampton International Boat Show, the luxury 13.6m lodge is proudly berthed in the vibrant city marina for all to view. With 5 berths available in the Coburg Dock for our Waterlodges, we are excited to see the opportunities this partnership brings.

A great Marina to berth your Waterlodge

The City of Liverpool is named one of England’s best places to visit by A Day out In England, and is steeped in maritime history. Liverpool Marina is an independent family-run marina with a bar and restaurant facility, boat yard and chandlery based just outside the heart of the bustling Liverpool city centre.  It offers the best of both worlds, the peace and quiet of the marina and the bustle of the city centre on your doorstep. They offer a range of flexible berthing options with new berth holders welcomed all year round. All berthing contracts include two weeks free hardstanding at Blue Point Marine, just a few yards away.

Ian Watkins, Director of Waterlodge UK comments, “Liverpool Marina is a fantastic location for keeping a Waterlodge. The marina is centrally located near to the city centre with all the attractions there, yet also enjoys a secluded and secure location in a friendly community of other boat owners. The rental/holiday let possibilities there are huge, with Liverpool being the second most-visited city in the UK after London, making a Waterlodge moored there an attractive investment opportunity.”

We are excited to see what this partnership brings, please contact David Beard at [email protected] at Liverpool Marina to arrange a viewing, or contact our sales team on 01590 630 655 if you think our Waterlodges could enhance your business, or if you are interested in working with us as a partner.

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